Last week I told my friend Anita that on this birthday I was turning the speed limit and she (who lives in California) informed me that the speed limit down there was 65! So this signs says it all! I'm so looking forward to this year. There's a vibrancy to my life these days that I never thought I would have again. But God is always being and doing something within us before we know it ourselves. This is the task of the Spiritual Director - to listen for what God is doing in others....and I am fortunate to have so many who help me with this process in my own life - my wonderful husband David, my children and grandchildren, my friends, my family, my rector, my spiritual director, my discernment committee and all the saints at St. Paul's.....thank you one and all for loving me!
HAPPY Birthday! Hope you have the MOST WONDERFUL year—ever!
Too bad you never go the speed limit!
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