Monday, April 19, 2010

Labyrinth @ Grace

"Never trust a thought
that didn't come by walking."
- Nietzche

I love this photo of my husband walking the outdoor labyrinth at Grace Cathedral during our recent trip to San Francisco.   I wonder what he is experiencing as he traverses the twists and turns of the labyrinth?


Jayne said...

I've never walked a labyrinth, but I can imagine it gives you much to ponder.

ROBERTA said...


Get ye to a Labyrinth!!! :)

Seriously, it's a wonderful contemplative tool that I have found to be quite calming when I'm feeling stressed. If you google Labyrinth Locator, you can find one in your area....

Becky said...

You don't think he is estimating about how much concrete was needed to make it?