Tuesday, June 2, 2009

is the spirit ever weary of loving?

"While I write this letter, you are present to me as I am sure I shall be present to you, when you read it. We wear ourselves out with our scribbling to each other, but is the spirit ever weary of loving? We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place in ourselves for those who love us."
–Bernard of Clairvaux, Letter No. 90 (1127 CE) in The Letters of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (B.S. James ed. 1953)

Are you finding rest in those you love? Are you able to provide a resting place for those who love you? What does that look like?


  1. This is true about writing letters. Emailing, too, in fact. But emailing doesn't last as long.

    blessings on your day, lovely lady

  2. Sometimes yes, and sometimes no in answer to the first question. This has been a hard couple of weeks with those I love. One is dying and while I wish for her rest, when I visit my soul is in turmoil. When I come home I want to curl up and sleep. One is struggling with dying and I try to comfort her, even with just a few moments of laughter and disengagement from the mind whirl. One was very angry at me and cold, from a perceived wrong, which was not even a little bit true. Two children are continuing to hurt my heart with concern for their damaging choices. another friend is full of unrest because of a mentally ill daughter and she can't even sleep.

    So, sometimes trying to provide a resting place even for a temporal moment is not possible. So, I point them to the One who promises a lighter yoke and rest for the soul. I assure them of my love, sometimes holding them for a 9 pat hug and telling them I love them, sometimes praying with them, sometimes laughing with them over an absurdity. And sometimes I just get on my mower and ride......

  3. great response donna. thanks for your honesty - loving does have its ups and downs - but i love that you can ride that mower as well as you do - have you thought of putting racing stripes on it?

  4. This points out a great way to describe friends...people you feel restful with!

  5. What a blessing this quote was....warming to the heart. Thank you, Roberta. :-)
