Sunday, May 31, 2009

pieces of God...

"All that really matters these days
is that we safeguard that little piece of you,
God, in ourselves, and in others as well.
Alas, there does not seem to be much
you can do about our circumstances.
Neither do I hold you responsible.
You cannot help us but we can help you
and defend your dwelling place
inside of us to the last."

Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jew en route to the death camp.


  1. Roberta,

    There is something quite profound and mysterious about these words. I am chewing on them!


  2. indeed - especially if we look at them through our western lenses - through which we've never experienced such a deconstruction of our existence.....and it's so difficult for me to remove my lenses - as i sit in my beautiful home, looking out the window at my manicured lawn and at my beautiful lilacs, sitting in front of my beautiful, new monitor, typing words that i want to live by but for the most part, do keep chewing my dear, as will i.....

  3. Thank you.

    I loved hearing about you and the Dolores Mission in SF.

  4. Wow. "We can help you and defend your dwelling place inside of us to the last."

    This opens up a lot of thoughts to me about how we defend God's dwelling place in us. I think it might be a broader process than we often realize.
