Friday, May 16, 2008

My First Friday Five!

Well I'm about to play my first Friday Five from the RevGalBlogPals.....Here we go! Name five places that fall into the following categories:

1) Favorite Destination -- someplace you've visited once or often and would gladly go again.
I know that my soul aches to return to Northern Ireland, the land of my birth. Being a Spiritual Director who is in love with all things Celtic - I would also love to spend time in Iona and Lindisfarne.

2) Unfavorite Destination -- someplace you wish you had never been (and why)
As a guardian ad litem I have been in homes filled with tragedy, abuse and meth. Enough said.

3) Fantasy Destination -- someplace to visit if cost and/or time did not matter.
Well I recently watched "Where in the World is Matt Lauer" on the Today show and I would love to visit any of the exotic places he was, particularly the pristine islands of Seychelles (1000 miles off the coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean)where he arrived by speedboat and landed on the beach.

4) Fictional Destination -- someplace from a book or movie or other art or media form you would love to visit, although it exists only in imagination.
Hogwarts of course!

5) Funny Destination -- the funniest place name you've ever visited or want to visit.
Well this is an easy one for I live in Sequim (the e is silent so it's pronounced squim)....and in this lovely town I've lived on Chicken Coop Road, Hooker Road and drive through the intersection of Woodcock Road and Kitchen-Dick Road on a regular basis!


  1. Huzzah for Hogwarts!
    (And good job on your linkage!!)

  2. This is so neat! Someone I loved dearly a long time ago (Caroline Fung?) moved to Sequim. Nice to bump into another resident.

  3. Your #5 is so funny. And yay for Hogwarts. I could go there, too.

  4. Yay for Hogwarts!You're right about Sequim and its pronunciation. That's like Yachats in Oregon!
