Friday, May 16, 2008

The No-No Logo!

Did you hear about the protest against Starbuck's for their retro logo? Yes it seems that a "Christian" group from California known as "The Resistance" are upset about the bare breasted mermaid with 2 tails that is replacing the usual green logo for the next few weeks in celebration of Starbuck's original Pike Place Market store that opened back in '71 - the year I graduated from High School. The "group" wants everyone to boycott Starbucks because of it.....according to one source the logo was based on a 16th century Norse maritime woodcut. What do you think?

A) With all the tragedy around the globe this week, why is anyone obsessing over a corporation's logo?

B) Well, everyone knows that if you spell Starbuck's backward you get Skcubrats which is definitely satanic!

C) Good grief, it's just a mermaid with 2 tails! People should get over themselves!

D) Fill in your own response....


  1. Sheesh! All of the above! I wish my breasts were that perky!

  2. Puleez...... The Starbucks stock in my IRA, (that I bought because I believe in their corporate employee and community service policies), has tanked and my future is at stake. I don't want to be one of the people standing in line at the food bank in my old age... so buy Starbucks!


    P.S. I'm also Swedish/Norwegian - so there! Go Starbucks!

  3. A and D - Anything that celebrates beautiful womanly curves is good with me! :)

  4. for heavenly days,let us please move on to something that is even somewhat important! because this issue is not.

  5. A and D - Anything that celebrates beautiful womanly curves is good with me! :)

  6. E) i stand here in line at starbucks waiting for my triple shot tall notfat latte, who the hell cares what's on the cup, just give me my coffee!!!!!! They nned to get a life!!!!!!

    Sent from my wireless Blackjack

  7.'s all good now baby....barebreasted mermaids and all......

    Sent from my wireless Blackjack

  8. Mr response is D. This is the kind of crap that gives my Lord a bad name.


  9. D) Anytime you hear the word "Christian Group" you know that the last thing on their mind is Christianity.

    E) Get life, a job, a girlfriend, a man, (choose whatever fits)

  10. I'm sure that if the mermaid parted her hair on the right instead of the left or the middle (or visi versi) someone would protest that she is in support of (oh how about) the shelf life of pork n beans!!!!!! Let us spend our time in prayer for those in true need. bs

  11. D) They were probably hoping for Michaelangelo's David instead! I'm with you, "GOOD GRIEF"

    E) WWJD?

  12. E) These people are obviously not coffee lovers

    F) Satanic? Of course, there isn't anything Biblical about a barebreasted mermaid.....

    G) The top half of that mermaid kind of reminds me of Eve...which brings up the question: "Why did God let her run around naked?"

    H) Boycott Starbucks! They are exploiting poor minimum wage workers, coffee pickers in thirdworld countries, people who are foolish enough to pay $4.00 for a cup of coffee and now, NOW, minority mermaids.

    I) Christians? Can I be sure of that?

  13. Another lovely example of people who obsess about a thing that is so unimportant....running scared without a collective brain among them. Hard to believe there are beings on our planet like this......guess it's time to get that $3.00 coffee more often!!!


  14. With everything that is going on in our world, I find it ludicrous that “a group of Christians” didn’t have anything better to do with their time. I bet they could have found a few homeless folks, some hungry kids, a couple of elderly folks that could have used their help, not too mention countless men and women in Iraq who could use a letter or two and a couple of bucks to Myanmar or China…however that might have been too “Christian” for them.
