Friday, April 5, 2013

Another milestone

Someone asked me recently what my plans were for my 60th birthday. 
My response?  "I'm getting my shingles shot!" 
I don't think that was the response they were expecting,
but having watched several of my friends suffer through the shingles
and knowing that the recommended age for the shot is 60,
this is a no-brainer! I'm off to get that dang shot!
And yes, I do plan to do other awesome birthday type activities
which include blowing out birthday candles and 
delighting in my friends and family.
I am one very blessed gal!


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm older than you. . . .and lots of other people. I've had my shingles shot and am glad I had it.

  2. My mother-in-law got the disease. Good for you getting the shot.

  3. Hey, I'm right there with ya girlfriend! I tried to get onw at a local drug store, and because I'm 51, she told me I'd have to have a doctor's order. I don't want to wait until 60, as I know I'm high risk... just feel it in my bones. Will get that order next time I go! Happy 60th!
