Sunday, February 24, 2013

Our Mothering Hen

Today’s Gospel reading from Luke 13 has the Pharisees trying to convince Jesus to run away from Herod in fear.

But Jesus doesn’t give in to the “what ifs” because there is nothing that will stand in his way of heading towards Jerusalem.

Speaking of Jerusalem, Jesus laments:

"How often have I desired to gather your children together
as a hen gathers her brood under her wings,
and you were not willing!"

I took this photo and the following prayer

(which was based on the Lord’s Prayer) from a previous blog post

because it was just that good!

"Our Mothering Hen
Who art brooding over us
hallowed be thy sheltering wings.

Forgive our unwillingness to come into your embrace
And gather us in, reluctance and all.
Free us from fear of foxes
And the sharp bite
of anything that separates us from you.

Open our eyes
To the plenty around us.
Open our hearts
That our plenty be shared.

Lead us not into contention
But into the dance of connection.

For thine is the grace that wakes us each new day
And thine is the mercy that puts our souls at ease
And thine is the love that sets our hearts alight.

For ever and ever, amen."

Tammerie Day - posted at Day at a Glance

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