Friday, June 4, 2010

For Sue...

"O God, my master,
Should I gain the grace to see you face to face,
When life is ended,
Grant that a little dog, who once pretended
That I was God,
May see me face to face."

Francis Jammes (1868-1938)


  1. I really love this (!)and although I don't know who Sue is I really feel for her if this is her dog.

    Also there is another one of Francis Jamme's poems about a donkey which I love.( A Prayer to Go to Paradise with the Donkeys).

  2. Losing a dog is SO hard!

    Seeing this beautiful post reminded me of a You-tube video I saw about God and dog.

  3. thanks phil...i looked up that donkey poem & it was wonderful.

    evelyn, i know that video well...i posted it last year...and i could watch it every single day - it's that good! thank you!
