Saturday, October 17, 2009


The Wise Men protecting the Holy Grail @ the Sanctuary Bar.


  1. Tee hee hee... hope they didn't drink too much. :c)

  2. I'm delighted to know that you are on terra firma at last and enjoying the " crack " by the looks of it.

    Those wise men may need watching - they seem to have a touch of impishness about them and I wouldn't like to think of them leading you astray.

    Looking forward to hearing more of your news as the week progresses.

  3. Hi, Roberta!

    Oh, don't I envy you being in Ireland! (Please kiss the ground for me.)

    Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. Life has been rather challenging of late, needless to say. Details later.

  4. The Irish are a party people, and I'm not talking about political parties...have a great time!

  5. Now I'm SURE they are wise men. Sounds like you are having a deliriously happy time. I'm so glad! donna
