Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Labyrinth

Several days ago I took a walk on Elizabeth's+ delightful Labyrinth that is situated in the woods next to her home. I had not walked on it in over a year and was surprised by how much it had changed since the vegetation had grown considerably - or was it me that had changed? From the photo it looks rather flat but in actuality it has lots of twists and turns and obstacles (roots) to climb over - just like life. But don't be fooled - this is a labyrinth that demands your attention at all times.....no mindless strolling allowed here or you may end up on your butt!

I kept trying to remember what it was like during the last time i had entered it.....did this path turn to the right? Am i on the wrong path? Am i going the wrong way? Didn't i just make this turn? There was lots of chatter going on in my head and I had to stop occasionally just to quiet my thoughts.

Several times i looked up from the path in an attempt to see what lay ahead on this journey to the center & of course the path i thought would take me there was not the one that eventually did! It's true what they say - spiritual journeys are seldom linear. And that says a lot about all of our paths of discernment, does it not?

"What is a labyrinth? It is a path for prayer that leads from yearning towards joy, meaning, hope & peace. While it can be used for personal explorations, it also invites communal participation. What is planted here flowers in the gardens of our lives. Whether perplexed, overjoyed, confused, hopeful, hurt, distraught, happy, or simply curious, as we pray, God meets us here. It is not unusual to emerge from the labyrinth inspired, encouraged, grateful, and clearer about next steps." J.K.H. Geoffrion - Christian Prayer & Labyrinths


  1. Thank you Roberta! Beautiful, simple, and real! I have no idea where my labyrinth comes out, but a la Theseus, God gives me the thread to get through. Much better than GPS!

  2. What a beautiful labyrinth! Thank you for reminding me of a labyrinth (also made of stones!) that I encountered at a retreat center this summer.

    Walking that labyrinth was truly a moving (no pun intended!) spiritual experience.

  3. What a wonderful labyrinth! Those roots and pebbles and greenery are just part of any walk, in life or on a labyrinth! Your story is such a reminder to me that as we grow, our experiences can change, even with something as steady as a labyrinth...
