Today's gospel lectionary reading for Pentecost +13 is from Mt. 14: 22-33. This is the story of Peter leaving the boat and the icon tells us the rest of the story. What the text doesn't tell is what the other disciples who remained in the boat were thinking. In this depiction they appear quite calm as if this was something that they could expect from that wild and crazy Peter. I like to think that they are praying...
Below is a prayer that I blatantly copied from the RevGalBlogPals website. Have a great Sunday.
Lord, Sometimes it seems like the boat we are in is too small and is being tossed to and fro in the storms of life. Lord calm our storms, calm us. Sometimes our fear is so great that even though we might want to walk on water we sink, reach out your hand to us Lord. Reach out your hand to those who are trying to walk faithfully in the midst of the storms of their lives. Lord help us when we have little faith, Help those around us who have little or no faith. Amen
Sometimes it means holding on for dear life.