Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Triduum

Every year, our “Fall Triduum” of All Hallow’s, All Saints, and All Souls

becomes more precious to me as each one focuses my attention on how connected we are

to not only those who are alive, but to all those who have gone before us –

relatives, friends, enemies, muses,(i.e. the communion of saints.)

Yesterday we celebrated All Saints Sunday

with one of the most “thin place” services of the year –

the one in which we commemorate all the saints

by posting their names on the walls of the sanctuary.

Whether they are from long ago....

(Saint Leontia)

Or more recently...

(Jill Cooper, a friend)

Or a close relative like my father,


Or even the name of a woman

who has the same name of my

own mother who is still alive!

(Ok, I have to admit,

it was pretty weird to see

my mother on the wall)...

What wasn’t weird or strange was the feeling of their presence in the room with us.

What the Celts call a “thin place”

All of us together. In one place.

One very “thin” place.

These 3 days are as intertwined as a Celtic Knot.

With themes of death and resurrection,

we are reminded that there is no beginning or ending to our souls.

We move and have our being in a continuous flow of God’s love,

knowing that we are always in the presence of God.


“Beannacht De le hanama na marbh

(The blessing of God on the souls of the dead.)

Ta siad imithe ar shli na firinne

(They are gone on the way of truth.”)

Irish Blessing

So until it is our time to join all those saints who have gone before us on the way of truth,

may we continue to enjoy their presence, and

walk in love, seeking and serving Christ in all we meet today.

(last photo is of Fall colors outside the Columbarium at St. Paul’s)


  1. A friend who died just as the triduum began had the same name as a local politician with lots of campaign posters around. It's unsettling.

    I love your listing of the names. I was wishing yesterday for a way to honor my friend who was not part of our church and was in fact from long enough ago in my past not even my spouse knew him. He didn't belong in the community liturgy, but I wanted a space for him.

  2. Thanks Wendy,
    Sounds like you have already made a space for him in your desire to honor his memory.

  3. It is always moving to hear all the names recited prior to the Communion on All Saint's Sunday.
