Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chilean Magnificat

I wish I knew where this art came from.

I discovered it on Pinterest and it’s

presently my favorite “Lady of Guadalupe” image.

Then to discover a Chilean woman’s interpretation of

Mary’s Magnificat? Turned out to be a fine pairing.


“With pride and dignity I sing my song of joy

when I feel the Lord’s presence;

I am poor and very ordinary,

but one day the Lord looked upon me

And the history of the poor will give witness to my joy.

God is unfettered and unpredictable,

He is called our great friend.

And throughout our history He has favored those of us

who are weak.

His triumphant force shows itself each day

when He exposes the foolishness of the powerful.

He uncovers the feet of clay of those in power,

and nourishes the yearning of the poor.

To those who come hungry He gives bread and wine.

And to the wealthy He exposes their selfishness

and the emptiness of their ways.

This is God’s desire: always to favor the poor.

Now finally we can walk.

He is faithful to His promises.”

- Chilean Woman

from “Soul Weavings” A gathering of Women’s Prayers”

edited by Lyn King, 1996, page 21

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