Wednesday, December 28, 2011

They're back (the wise ones, that is)

'Twas 3 days after Xmas, and all through the house,
there were shouts of glee because Bethany had
finally transferred most of my files from my
"almost dead" computer to my new one:)
So now I'm able to bring you the latest adventures
of the Wise Men.  And if you are not familiar with their previous
 adventures, I invite you to click here to read all about them.

And yes, they are STILL here.  I thought they had left for
the Holy Land last week so I was surprised to see them
on their bathroom shelf this morning.  I have to admit,
they have been in quite the funk for the past few months.
They tell me it's because of the world wide recession but I know
it's because of all the time they have spent with that leprechaun
they've been sharing their bathroom shelf with since March. 

Me:  So why are you guys still here?  Didn't you see the star
shining in the night with the tail as big as a kite?

WM#1:  Yes we saw it but Laddy (the Leprechaun) told us that
we should let some other wise ones visit the Christ child this year. 
After all, why should we always be the one ones who share our gifts? 

Me: You share your gifts because that is what God created you to do. really have been influenced by Laddy.  Haven't I
told you not to trust him?  Just look at that smirk on his face.  All
he cares about is his pile of gold. Not only is he not interested in
sharing it with you, he wants your gifts  too!  Good thing your gifts
 are attached to your arms or they would be in his pile by now!

WM#2: Dearest landlady, is there any conversation during which
you do NOT mention our affliction?  We do have feelings you know.

Me:  I'm terribly sorry.  I forget that you can be quite sensitive about that.  
Please accept my apologies.  In the meantime, I will remove Laddy
from the sill, which I should have done long ago.  Tomorrow we'll have a
 real conversation about your impending journey. 
 In the meantime, I've brought you new reading material.  
100 Graces.  It will help your mind and spirit settle down. 
May you find wisdom inside its pages which will enable you to recall your own story. 
You do have one you know, and it is sacred.

Good Night my wee wise men.

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