Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mary of the Sign

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception,
which has been celebrated as far back as the 7th century
and celebrates the conception of Mary in her mother Anne's womb.
As we count down the days until the birth of Christ,
let us honor Mary through this icon (and what, in an ancient yet modern way,
resembles an ultrasound of the child she carried!)
The following piece is from  the December issue of
Contemplative Outreach News
which you can read in its entirety here.

Mary of the Sign
Mary stands square to the viewer, her poised
stillness or silent constant prayer is noted in
the hands, palms extended outward in total
surrender to what has been given. Mary clutches
and yearns for nothing. In early icons Mary was
portrayed as the Burning Bush and Christ the
fire that burns within. She is represented as the
divine vessel of burning love. She knows
and loves Him even before His birth.
The orb containing this revelation rests within her
being, Christ surrounded in gold, symbolizing
the totality of God without image. Christ is
holding a tiny scroll, a symbol of the Scripture
being fulfilled in Him and later to be filled in
each and every one of us. Christ is our interior
teacher, guide master, and rabbi. The icon’s
theology is the link between the Jewish tradition
and the new understanding of Christ.
“The Lord Himself will give you a sign, behold a
young woman shall conceive and bear a child
and his name will be Emmanuel.” - Isaiah 7:14.
Excerpt taken from The Mary Collection 2008
by Mary Jane Miller. To see more work done by
Mary Jane Miller, go to:
click here to see Mary Jane Miller's icon of Mary of the Sign.
it is stunning!

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