Friday, December 2, 2011

like stars falling...

here is the next segment of Christine Hemp's 'Prayers of the People'...
"You ask us to stay awake, Lord, and we are trying.
Sometimes it’s not so easy.
Please tip our ear toward your song so we know you are always available,
no matter where we are:  shopping, baking, meeting, planning.
Balancing our checkbooks, sending an email, or trying to find a parking place.
And, when liturgical life itself seems like a stern master,
remind us that structure is only meant to keep us conscious,
mindful of things larger than “holidays” and empty phrases.
Help us to move toward your birth and your coming again
with the excitement we felt as children,
when we wanted to stay awake all night.

Like stars falling from the heavens, Lord,
Awaken us for your arrival, for your infinite surprise."
 visit Christine's website here

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