Saturday, September 24, 2011

world council prayer

Prayer of the World Council of Churches
Vancouver Assembly, 1983

"Eternal God whose image lies in the hearts of all people,
We live among peoples whose ways are different from ours,
whose faiths are foreign to us, whose tongues are unintelligible to us.
Help us to remember
that you love all people with your great love,
that all religion is an attempt to respond to you,
that the yearnings of other hearts are much like our own and are known to you.
Help us to recognize you in
the words of truth,
the things of beauty,
the actions of love about us.
We pray through Christ,
who is a stranger to no one land more than another,
and to every land no less than another."

thanks to Josh at "The Daily Office West."

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend,
    I'm sitting in an old square under a big tree enjoying a Greek coffee - just such a land of other yearnings and other ways. I love this prayer.
    My own ending would be through Christ, who is at home in every heart and chooses to wander homeless in every land.
