Thursday, January 6, 2011

Epiphany Joy!

"May this holy season be for each of us
A time of moving beyond what is “reasonable”
And toward the star of wonder;
Moving beyond grasping tight to what we have
To unclenching our hands and letting go,
Following the Light where it leads;
Moving beyond competition toward cooperation,
Seeing that all humans are sisters and brothers.
Moving beyond the anxiety of small concerns
Towards the joys of justice and peace.
May the transforming acceptance of Mary and Joseph,
The imagination of the shepherds,
And the persistence of the wise men
Guide us as we seek the Truth,
Always moving toward the Divine promise.
Always aware God can be hidden in the frailest among us,
Always open to the unexpected flash of Grace,
To the showing forth of that Love that embraces us all."

From Education for Justice -
Adapted by J.M. Deren from "Blessings and Benedictions,"
by W.L. Wallace in Shine On, Star of Bethlehem, CAFOD, 2004.

And if my wee wise guys have shown us anything at all this year,
they have definitely modeled persistence in their search for the truth!
Let us enter the Season of Epiphany with gratitude and joy.

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