Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Demands of Love

Here's another "Epiphanyish" thought for today. 
(The checks are mine.)

"Love will make demands on us.
It will question us from within.
It will disturb us.
(double check)
Sadden us.
(God yes)
Play havoc with our feelings.
(triple check)
Harass us.
Reveal our superficialities.
(enough already)
But at last it will bring us to the light."
(Oh Lord! May it be so!)

-Carlo Carreto 1910-1988

this photo of an indoor labyrinth
 was taken inside the parish hall at St. Paul's Port Townsend


  1. Realism, Hope and Optimism- the cycle of truth we strive for; all are here Roberta.I am triple sighing today too. Thank you for strengthening my faith !

  2. I like this and needed to see it this morning. Thanks.

  3. PS This is going to be an excellent meditation piece to the beginning of a class tomorrow.
