Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oakerhater's Path

Today is the feast of David Pendleton Oakerhater
who was first known as the fierce Cheyenne warrior, "Making Medicine."
He fought against the US government in disputes over Indian land rights in
Oklahoma but was captured in 1875 and sent to prison in Florida.
There he learned English, taught art and converted to Christianity.

After completing his studies he was ordained as a Deacon in 1881 and returned to Oklahoma, where he founded Whirlwind Mission
and served amongst his people until he died in 1931.

There's a great quote by Joseph Campbell that starts with this line,
"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step,
you know it's not your path."
I imagine that when Making Medicine was a young boy
he would never have imagined the path God set before him.
So go ahead and make your plans, but don't be surprised
when you end up in places beyond your wildest imagination!

This art is by David Pendleton Oakerhater. Isn't it wonderful?

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