Sunday, September 5, 2010

Caim Prayers

Sometimes it's difficult to find the right words to pray for someone.
Caim prayers, which means encircling, are helpful.
You can change the words within the parentheses.
See yourself and those you are praying for encircled as you say one of these.

Circle (name), Lord.
Keep (comfort) near
and (discouragement) afar.
Keep (peace) within
and (turmoil) out.
Circle (name), Lord.
Keep protection near
and danger afar.

Circle (name), Lord.
keep hope within,
keep despair without.

Circle (name), Lord,.
keep peace within
and anxiety without.

The eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit
shield (name) on every side.

from Celtic Daily Prayer
prayers and readings from the Northumbria Society
p. 297-298

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