Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It is surely better to pardon too much,
than to condemn too much.
George Eliot

i took this snippet from Ellie. i was struck by the intensity of its truth.
plus "pardon" is such a beautiful word.


  1. Perhaps it is why society chooses the word when we have wrongly convicted someone or felt they deserved due to circumstances to be "pardoned" of the full sentence.

  2. So, so, so true ... Today I ran into someone who was once a friend ... We fell out nearly a decade ago. This former friend actually phoned me later in the day, saying she had to ask me just one question: "Do you forgive me?" I said "Yes," and it's true. She then asked me if I'd be willing to sit down and talk with her; I responded, "I'll think on that." My gut response was "No" -- and it will remain so. I wish this person well; I want no contact. For me, the friendship is dead; I already spoke (in a letter), years ago. I don't trust again after a betrayal ... I do forgive, over time, through understanding ... and a pardon is the best gift we can give to ourselves and one another; it frees us to go on.

    Thanks, Roberta ... It's always amazing how a blog-visit can so match the events of a day ...

