Monday, June 14, 2010

The 10 Minute Prayer

"O God, I am hellishly angry;
I think so-and-so is a swine;
I am tortured by worry about this or that;
I am pretty sure I have missed my chances in life;
this or that has left me feeling terribly depressed.
But nonetheless here I am like this,
feeling both bloody and bloody-minded,
and I am going to stay here for ten minutes.
You are most unlikely to give me anything.
I know that.
But I am going to stay for the ten minutes nonetheless.

Harry Williams,
quoted in the SPCK Book of Christian Prayer,
1995, p.191

photo from here


  1. This is marvelous. How I can relate to this prayer!

  2. Oh, I haven't thought of Harry Williams in a long time. Wonderful man! I loved his book on the Resurrection.

    And, yes, it's an excellent prayer.
