Monday, May 24, 2010

cirque de hiday?

One of my favorite books is 100 Graces - Mealtime Blessings.
It sits on our dining room table and we read a different blessing
from it before meals. (That is, when we remember.)
Tonight, with my daughter and her husband here,
I randomly picked this blessing to pray before dinner:

Our Father, we are
grateful for this family,
who hand in hand form
one unbroken circle.
Help us to do Thy will,
as caring individuals and
as a loving family.

It's a lovely blessing. But talk about your Freudian slips...Here's what I prayed:

Our Father, we are
grateful for this family,
who hand in hand form
one unbroken circus.

Then I started laughing -
not sure anyone else thought it was that funny.
I thought it was hilarious because it's so true.
We are a circus - with the exception of the clowns.
(Let's not go there.)
Just two letters changed the intent, or did it?


  1. LOVE the Freudian slip there! Speaking truth!

  2. Freud and his slips--ya gotta love it!

    I trhink it is hilarious, and so true of our family as well

    Blessings on you and your extended family!

  3. Becky (The little sister)May 25, 2010 at 7:50 AM

    We do put "fun" in dysfunctional ...

  4. Actually, that was an Adlerian slip. I think we will, as always, need to send in the clowns this Pentecost season. We do that well.

    Love, John
