Friday, November 20, 2009

Here, let me show you how to do it!

"The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and silently watch someone else do it wrong." - T.H. White

Well, maybe not "the" most difficult thing in the world but this is an excellent spiritual practice. There is the very impatient part of me that would want to interupt the process and either just do it myself (that's my enneagram 8 'I must be in control' side) or in the case of wanting to build up my ego, there is that insecure piece within that would want to show off my expertise to the one that I'm supposedly "helping".

Indeed, this is a great spiritual practice - to not jump in but to breathe and wait and think about why I need to hold on so tightly to my way as being the "right" way....


  1. =) I know I'm doing it all wrong, but I need the journey to find my it's mine...

    Was I taught to do anything right?

  2. Rebekah,
    There is no doing it "all wrong" or doing it "all right"...there is just the "doing" and the "being"....and you are right, it's the journey that is important.

    As for having been taught to do anything right....does it really matter? Perhaps what matters now is how you respond to how others are making choices in their own lives. Remember to breathe....and to loosen your grasp....for who is ultimately in control?
