Thursday, October 15, 2009


As I was sitting in the SFO terminal waiting for the call to board I noticed some movement in my bag.  What could it be?  I opened the zipper and this is what i saw - The Wise Men - I was stunned.  As you may recall they have been residing in my guest bathroom on the window shelf.  
The following is our conversation:
Me:  How did you get here?  What are you doing?
Them:  Well, you see, we saw you packing and heard you say you were going to Ireland and we realized that this was our chance to see the land of our birth.
Me:  But you are from the Far East!
Them:  That's not what it says on our bottoms - it says "Made in Ireland"...
Me:  Good Grief.  Why didn't you make yourselves known yesterday?
Them:  You seemed rather upset with missing your flight to Dublin and we didn't want to incur your wrath.
Me:  Fair enough.  Well I'm kind of glad that you are here.  We'll talk on the plane.
Them:  Really?  Can we order a meal?
Me:  Don't push it!


  1. Oh how CUTE! I've missed those Wise Men!

    I do hope you enjoy Ireland!

  2. Hee, hee! I needed that little chuckle as I head to bed. I hope you're enjoying your trip! :)

  3. so, between your reader/friends, and your (3) wise friends, it looks like you have found some peace/calm, and have let go of the frustration/anxiety...and regaind your wonderful sense of humor...looking for that moment of serendipity/discovery that is quietly waiting in the midst of what seems to be a problem/difficulty... :-) am so happy for you!

  4. I'll be with on a sister retreat this weekend and we'll raise a glass of Guinness to you and your conversations -- real or otherwise!! My sis is another of your fans. God be with ye.

  5. Oh Roberta... I am just catching up.

    How very frustrating. I do hope that by now you are safely in Ireland. Peace be with you on the remainder of your journey my friend.
