Friday, October 30, 2009

Jampa Ling

Front Door of the
Jampa Ling Buddhist Retreat Centre
Owendoon House, Bawnboy,
Co. Caven, Republic of Ireland

I love red doors - I have one on my home, as does St. Paul's, and so I had to take a picture of this one at the Tibetan Buddhist Centre which was established under the guidance and spiritual direction of Panchen Otrul Rinpoche in 1990.  We traveled across five Irish counties to visit Sally's most sacred space, and it was an experience filled with beauty and delight.

Jampa Ling is Tibetan for "place of infinite loving kindness".  We toured the centre and shared  lunch with the Rinpoche and the residents. (I also took pictures of the interior  but this one is my favorite.)  

"The Panchen Lama says there is a story spoken about during the lifetime of the Buddha. There was a very rich man in India, very wealthy, but he wasn't even able to give anybody any food. When people came to him and asked for a cup of water, he wouldn't even be able to give that away, and so he asked the Buddha, 'What can I do? This is very difficult for me. I just can't give anything to anybody.' The Buddha said 'It doesn't matter. What you do, you start off with your right hand, you take some water in your right hand and give it to your left hand."  quote from here


  1. There is something about a red door, isn't there? Beautiful sight.

  2. This is quite spectacular! Post the interior pix!
