Tuesday, October 13, 2009

God's Wild Generosity

As I head out tomorrow for the Spiritual Directors International Conference in Dublin, Ireland, I thought it appropriate to leave you with a wonderful quote from Alan Jones on the art of Spiritual Direction...

God's Wild Generosity

"The ancient art of spiritual direction is a way of affirming the simple truth of God's wild generosity. The spiritual director or friend of the soul is someone who listens to us lovingly and accurately and, by the gift of caring attention, reveals to us God's open heart. As such, spiritual direction has political and social implications of tremendous importance because it is, of its very essence, an antidote to violence. It is a strategy of inner disarmament — the dismantling of the arsenal of destruction we amass inside ourselves."
Alan Jones— Exploring Spiritual Direction (photo by Brian Bragdon, who attended MHGS at the same time I did and who traveled to Ireland in 2003.)


  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip! You must take lots of pictures and share them with us! :)

  2. Say hallo to my native land for me Roberta and have a great conference.

    Hope you come back with lots of spiritual riches to share with us on your blog and don't forget to have a Guinness (or two)on me !!

    God Be With You on your journey.

  3. Have a wonderful time Roberta! Can't wait to hear all about Ireland!!!

  4. Thank you all for the "bon voyage"...it's almost 6 a.m. and we are experiencing heavy winds and rain here. Let's hope the puddlejumper plane is able to take off from Port Angeles!!!!!
