Tuesday, September 1, 2009

boxed in

snitched from EK


  1. Love it! So cute, and yet so sad. :c)

  2. That seems to be so often the case. It seems like when we come to God we are approaching with mind, body, soul, heart.

  3. VATICAN, you say?!!! Thanks, but I'm contemplating the ineffable reality. Peace, Bob...

  4. My friend Bev says she belongs to the Catholic church because she "needs a place to land," not because she agrees with everything. I am the same way with my church. It's not all that, but it's close enough. What if faith were, instead of a box, a launching pad? Here are some ideas -- now go see what works in your life?

    I loved hearing my mediation guru say -- when he was questioned and criticized for a statement he made -- "You disagree with me? GREAT! I'm making this shit up! It's coming out of my very human brain. There is no guarantee that any of it is right. What do YOU think?"

  5. Pretty harsh, I'd say. However there is no denying a lot of Christians feel that way.
