Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sacred illness

A sacred illness is one that educates us
and alters us from the inside out,
provides experiences and therefore knowledge
that we could not possibly achieve in any other way,
and aligns us with a life path that is, ultimately,
of benefit to ourselves and those around us.
-- Deena Metzger

The photo of a California desert can be a place of beauty, solace and peace.
But it can also fit the image of illness - dry, barren, rough, colorless, cruel -
and the pink bloom is that fragile hope - that possibility of new life -
that healing we so long for.

May all who suffer in mind, spirit, and body this day
experience a sense of respite through the gifts of God's beauty & grace.


  1. thank you roberta...your thoughts and input are very timely.

  2. Beautiful message and image to represent it, Roberta!

  3. This was lovely--and very timely! I've struggled with depression and fibromyalgia, and I'm currently studying theology in hope of someday working as a hospice chaplain. thanks for the inspiration!
