Thursday, June 25, 2009

tired of the journey?

Over the last several days I have talked with many who have bumped into and tripped over all the sharp edges that the furniture of life can confront us with. The list has been endless - physical illnesses, financial ruin, relational betrayal and mental deterioration...and the theme that I could almost reach out and touch in each of these stories was exhaustion, whether it be physical, mental or spiritual....

I have a room in my home to which I bring those stories - my granddaughter Lydia calls it "The God Room" - it's filled with religious icons, candles, crosses and books. Lydia likes to color in there. I like to "just be" in there. As I sat in the God Room this morning, ruminating on the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well, I was struck with these words from the story: "Jesus, tired out by his journey, was sitting by the well."

I thought of all the people I had spent time with this past week - all of whom, just like Jesus, were tired out by their own journeys. It was comforting to once again realize, that Jesus could relate and continues to relate to all of our human needs. What did He do when the journey became too much? Nothing. He didn't try to figure it all out or come up with a new plan. He stopped what He was doing and rested.

The verse was a wonderful reminder that in the midst of all that assails us, we can truly find rest, for in those moments we are called to sit by the well for a spell. So here is my prayer for all of us this day....

Gracious God, Lift up all your children, whose suffering is beyond their strength to endure this day. May we recognize that You too knew such exhaustion & stopped to rest when needed. May we feel Your love, Your mercy, and Your compassion as we give You all these burdens that we are just too tired to carry any longer. May we find our rest in You. Amen

art: The Samaritan Woman at the Well by He Qi


  1. Roberta, thank you. Absolutely beautiful and very, very true.

  2. I love the reminder that Jesus was human just as we are. And I love the idea of a God room.

  3. Hey, Roberta, did you do something to your blog settings last night? I've never been able to get your feed, and I woke up this morning to 25 posts from you in my reader. (For some reason, I'd never deleted the unsuccessful entry for you.)

    So I just thought I'd let you know if you did something to your settings, it made a difference.

  4. How strange is that Ruth? I have done nothing - i've been resting :)
    maybe that did it! i'm so glad i'm in the "feed" now but i would not have wanted to wake up to 25 posts from anyone!!!!!!!!!

  5. Roberta, I had the same issue as Ruth, but it was nice to wake up and then read about a God room ;). The vivid illustration you use is just perfect. Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog, btw!
