Friday, March 27, 2009


"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely & nobly." - Joseph Campbell

What feelings does this image evoke?


  1. I had no idea that you knew where my dad lives! Oh wait, or is that my Aunt Sue's car less garage? Or maybe Auntie Ruthie? I really cannot tell! I come from a long line of hoarders you know! Feels like "heavy & home" all at once. Notice the small pathway to the door, you cannot get to any of your stuff, but you can waddle through it to enter the house, very common, that small path in hoarder world. I just noticed that you can spell "order" from the word hoarde, strange?

  2. That hits home. I've been nudged for years and years to get rid of stuff, but keep resisting. No wonder I'm stuck!

  3. How do I feel about this image? ... AAAAACK!!


  4. Think on the positive side...they are getting organized for a BIG yard sale...:-)

  5. STRESS! STUFF causes me feelings of hyperventilation!

  6. What feelings? What thoughts? What reflections? Exhaustion...fear...shame.

    But at the same time, HOPE. Because I am AWARE of what needs changing. for too long, I was not...
