Saturday, January 3, 2009

Less Clutter in 2009

The next time you consider what to do with all those items that are cluttering up your closet, consider this....

"The bread you do not use
is the bread of the hungry.

The garment hanging in your
wardrobe is the garment of
the person who is naked.

The shoes you do not wear

are the shoes of the one who is barefoot.

The money you keep locked away
is the money of the poor.

The acts of charity you do not perform
are the injustices you commit."

St. Basil the Great

It's a new year -
may we endeavor to live more simple lives in 2009.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Powerful and truthful words.... may we all strive to live more simply.

  3. Amen! I am going through the closets as we speak. I have adopted a homeless shelter for families here in Pasadena. They are the only shelter in the area that takes in families and houses them for a year and then helps them into transitional housing. Me and the kids are going through everything and boxing up clothes/books/shoes/household items for them.

    I realized that I have 5 coats. 5. How many homeless people at night would need a coat? Do I really need 3 sets of china?

    Here is to a simpler 2009!

  4. This was meant for me! Thanks, Roberta. I definitely FINALLY have to de-clutter.
