Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pure Country

It's Saturday - movie day! And this one, Pure Country, is a family favorite from over the years - whenever my teenage son was feeling down he'd put this into the VCR - that boy memorized the entire dialogue of this film - the annoying part was that he would say all the lines before the actors would, which was rather a strange form of stereo to have to put up with if one chose to watch it with him.

There's nothing profound about this movie - it's your basic boy loses self, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl and self. The acting isn't great, nor is most of the dialogue but it is George Strait - and he's the best. The soundtrack is also fabuous and doesn't everyone have to have at least one movie that just makes them remember good family times?

As for quotes here is one my son still uses - said by Ernest Tucker - who is wary of Dusty's (played by G.S.) intentions with his daughter Harley - "You know the funny thing about that little white speck on the top of chicken shit? That little white speck is chicken shit too!"

And here is one of my favorites which occurs when Earl, Dusty's friend and bandmate, goes searching for him at his grandmother's home. She's one wise woman!

: Well, sometimes the tree grows too fast and the roots don't develop. And sometimes you have to chop off the top of that tree to let the roots catch up.
Earl: But do you know where he's at?
Grandma: No, but I expect if you follow the roots, you'll find him.
Earl: Grandma Ivy, in all the years I've known you I've never heard you answer a question directly.
Grandma: There are no answers. Only the search.
Earl: Yup, whatever that means.


  1. Hi Roberta, thanks for visiting my blog!

    I lived in San Antonio when this movie came out and I also love it. Of course, George Strait lives in SA and I knew people who had been in commercials with him. Anyway, I also loved this movie. Like you said, the story was trite and the acting ordinary, but yet it just got to a person.

    Only Son and I watched it together after a heated fight when he was doing his teen aged flexing of muscle, and it mediated a peaceful end to the fractious evening.

    BTW, do you know Ann Barton? She was the priest associate at my former church in Rapid City and left right before I moved there. She is in your diocese at present. People at my former church still recall her with much love.

  2. Isn't he just the neatest guy? :)
    Did you happen to watch the Country Music Awards on TV last week? If so, did you see his performance? He strikes me as such a "genuine" person, with an honest & real heart. I'm glad to see that you are a fan, also. I enjoyed your comments, and even laughed out loud at some of appears that we share a similar sense of humor! :)

  3. laurelew - you rock - and not only because you once lived in the same town as George :) and how interesting that you too watched this with your son during a tumultuous time....small world - glad we've connected....

  4. kristin,
    i did not see the CMA's this year -but i have seen Saint George perform many times on TV...i too am drawn by his authenticity - and it doesn't hurt that he's so "easy on the eyes"..........:)

    thanks for all your wonderful comments.

  5. I've got that movie too. George, he's my man.
