Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Loving Kindness

"Unless there is loving kindness in our speech,
it is going to come out wrong."
Ayya Khema
Be an Island


  1. Thank you for this reminder...I am reading a book (started it about 3 yrs ago, and picked it back up about 1 month ago) called "Pace of Grace". Are you familiar with it? In it, there is a chapter on communication/language...and something she refers to as "A.C.T." It's about how to effectively communicate, without threatening or harming. Very insightful stuff. Just like many of your posts. Blessings to you today.

  2. How it comes out has very little to do with how it is heard and/or received. Unless this "how it comes out" has the deeper meaning of the ultimate outcome.

  3. kristin,
    no, i have not read Pace of Grace but i will check it out. It sounds like a good read. And thank you for your encouraging comments :)

  4. hmm...i hear you....but i was thinking more along the lines of all those great lines in Proverbs about the tongue/speech like ' a tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit' Prov.15:4 :) - good words for me to hear....

  5. FOR US ALL.. Amen and Amen.
