Monday, July 28, 2008

What are you Afraid of?

What you are
afraid to do
a clear indication
the next thing
need to do.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unless of course it's to ride the Stratosphere in Vegas -
I'm sure Emerson would never have condoned such insanity...:)
perhaps you have done this? Just looking at the picture is making my stomach plummet. What do you sense you are being called to that you are fearful of moving toward?


  1. Gearing myself up for the fact that my daughter will be leaving for college in a year and I will have to get a life - other than take her to all of her extra curricular activities. I want to finish up my degree and move forward in my career. A lot easier said than done.. :) Exciting but very scary ...

  2. it's fabulous that you already realize that there will be a drastic change coming in a year - this gives you time to prepare for it. and it will change your relationship with angel also - you are right - it is scary and yet so exciting sis!

  3. Noel & my brother Rick rode the ride on the opposite side of the stratosphere. A roller coaster like car that shoots straight out & down with nothing between you & death but air! Both say it was the scariest thing they have ever done. (I say stupidest!)

  4. Well, Rebecca, my daughter is leaving for college in less than a month! My fourth and last child. . . . Good luck!

    I love Emerson and this quote is a good one. Thanks, Roberta.

  5. Hey, I did the rollercoaster at the top of the Stratosphere several years ago before I got vertigo. This new ride is NEW and god awful to even look at. No thanks!

    I'll keep you posted from NY.

  6. I faced my husband...that was very scary to me. I don't know what's next, but it felt really good to walk "through" that fear triumphantly! (I'm stealing this quote too!) I LOVE IT!
