Thursday, July 3, 2008

Karen and the Squirrels

My friend Karen has an "issue" with squirrels - she doesn't like them getting into her bird feeders and describes them as "rats with fluffy tails"...She and her husband Bruce trap them and then take them for long car rides to "relocate" them to uninhabited parts of town....So when I saw this picture of this very dapper squirrel on another blog I thought that perhaps it was one of "their" squirrels "on the lam" (and if you are familiar with that last phrase then you are very old indeed!)

Wanted - Dead or Alive!
Sammy the Squirrel a.k.a. Chippy, Nutter, & Cheeky
Last seen at the Home of Karen and Bruce Noble who placed him in their Squirrel Witness Protection Program.....
Wanted for crimes committed against bird feeders in the area!
If you see this squirrel DO NOT APPROACH him -
(he may be carrying a concealed weapon under his fedora)


  1. Actually he looks more like a detective - inch high private eye ...

  2. This is me!!
    This has gotta be me!

  3. Very funny, made my day!

  4. I bet Karen and Bruce didn't know that they had something in common with Paisley....She is obsessed with all Squirrels...She spends hours at the bottom of a tree staring up at them and I am pretty sure they are actually laughing at her! I am sure paisley would love to help them with this....Seeing as she has NEVER actually caught a squirrel...

  5. What a great picture! He looks like a private eye, as Rebecca said.

  6. The concealed weapon has got to be my nectarines, peaches, apricots andfigs from the past several years. I now am, out of desperation, using predator pee on the trees. The neighborhood e-mail says it works.....however, I still have not eaten one piece of ripe fruit.
