Monday, July 7, 2008

The Gospel = Success

"Christianity gives much to its adherents, but it is always perverted when it is presented as a success story. The gospel may do a great many things for us, but is deeply misunderstood if it is interpreted merely as a psychological instrument for our help. It is, instead, a relationship which begins with a dangerous and uncalculating commitment."
Source: Elton Trueblood: Confronting Christ


  1. Good one, lady.

    Thank you.


  2. Ok, we gotta talk about this one. I need more words. . .

  3. Roberta, I like the quote from good old Trueblood and always get a kick out of that picture. But, given our economy's relative lack of "success" lately, and despite Siemens' recent troubles, maybe the cash in the picture should be Euros instead of dollars. And in twenty years, it will be yuan. Oh, well, it's only money...

  4. Does this mean that God doesn't think I give enough to Him because I don't drive a Mercedes Benz?

    Hmmm.... maybe someone should call TBN and speak to one of those prosperity pastors ...
